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Cambridge to improve its limited visibility provision
Cambridge City airport has awarded a contract to Systems Interface, which will design, supply, install and commission an ILS system comprising localiser and antenna systems, glidepath and antenna systems and DME.
Kevan Craske is keen to invest in up-to-date navigational aids.
Read this story in our October 2020 printed issue.

Cambridge City airport has invested in a new and improved instrument landing system and colocated distance measuring equipment to provide an enhanced precision approach that enables aircraft to approach the runway in darkness or adverse weather conditions where visibility is limited.

The airport has awarded the contract to Systems Interface (SIL), a UK specialist that will design, supply, install and commission an ILS system comprising localiser and antenna systems, glidepath and antenna systems and a low power DME.

“We want to ensure pilots have access to the latest navigational aids and a new ILS ensures we maintain the highest levels of safety for aircraft using Cambridge City airport,” says airport director Kevan Craske. “We continue to invest in up to the minute navigation aids and after a competitive tender process knew that SIL was the company to provide the equipment and services we needed. We wanted to ensure we have the best solution for our airfield. Coupled with our new radar installation, which is being constructed and is due for completion in 2021, we aim to set the standard for safety and compliance in business and general aviation.”

The complete system includes remote control and monitoring and remote maintenance and monitoring. All civil works and project management will be provided by SIL. Systems Interface previously replaced the airport's non-directional beacon in 2016 and continues to provide an annual support service to the airport.

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