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US Department of Labor gets behind Duncan apprenticeships
The first cohort for Duncan Aviation's Powerplant Apprenticeship programme was drawn from the engine shops and engine overhaul area of the business. In the future, the programme will be open to team members.
The rigorous programme demands that applicants are highly motivated.

Duncan Aviation has had its Powerplant Apprenticeship programme endorsed by the US Department of Labor. Eight full-time technicians will begin their 24-month apprenticeships this month. In spite of everything 2020 has thrown at the business aviation industry, Duncan continues to take a proactive approach to finding ways to resolve the critical shortage of skilled technicians that is expected in the industry over the next few years.

Leading through action and innovation and focusing on solutions are two of Duncan Aviation's core values. In 2019, the US Department of Labor endorsed Duncan Aviation's Airframe Apprenticeship programme, and the first cohort will be finished with coursework in September.

“When we discussed ways to alleviate the shortage of trained and skilled technicians expected industry-wide, we liked the idea of Airframe and Engine Apprenticeship programmes because we could offer this career path to our team members, and the A&P certificates they earn are recognised throughout the industry,” says Duncan Aviation's VP of aircraft services Kasey Harwick.

Delivering high-quality products and services is another of the company's core values. By offering an apprenticeship programme to full-time Duncan Aviation team members, who will be prepared over the next 24 months to take their written, oral and practical examinations for their Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) certificates, the company is continuing to ensure that its technicians are fully prepared to provide the highest-quality services in the industry to Duncan Aviation's customers.

“Through a combination of on-the-job experience (OJE), classroom training, hands-on lab work, and supplemental course materials, the engine apprentices will get the work experience and knowledge necessary to become the kinds of skilled technicians Duncan Aviation engine teams want to employ,” comments assistant manager of the engine line in Lincoln, Bradley Wales. “Once the techs have completed their apprenticeship, they will have the confidence, technical abilities and troubleshooting skills to find their lasting careers at Duncan Aviation.”

The first cohort for the Powerplant Apprenticeship programme was drawn from the engine shops and engine overhaul area of the business. In the future, the programme will be open to team members throughout the company. As with the Airframe Apprenticeship programme, the techs chosen for the programme don't necessarily have to have any experience; the programme will provide all of the training, classroom work and job experience necessary to earn an A&P license. However, the technicians do need some mechanical aptitude and they must be highly motivated because the demands of the Apprenticeship programmes are rigorous. Apprentices will be working full-time, carrying a full course load, and studying on their own.

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