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The Little Jet Company

The Little Jet Company
FBO/Handler (Gloucestershire)

Gloucestershire Airport

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Big moment for Little Jet as Regency receives AOC
It has not been an easy time for aviation, yet the Little Jet Group has managed to secure a UK AOC and Part M approval for Regency Jet. The group plans to add more aircraft to its four Bravos and one King Air 350i.
Director Barry Preece, accountable manager Capt Jason Bishop and chief pilot Capt Pete Hamlet.
Read this story in our June 2020 printed issue.

Regency Jet, based at Gloucestershire airport in the UK, has been awarded its own AOC and Part M approval.

Its parent, The Little Jet Company, was established six years ago by directors Jason Bishop and Barry Preece, who were friends at secondary school. The group provides aviation services including private charter, medical, cargo flights and AOG support for the industry, as well a comprehensive management service for its clients.

The company has recently invested in a new office and hangar facilities for visiting crew, aircraft owners and operators. Its FBO services at Gloucestershire airport have expanded and enjoyed considerable growth and success during Cheltenham Race Festival 2020. The group now employs 20 full time staff at its head offices.

“We are extremely pleased and honoured to have been awarded an AOC that enables us to take control of our own fleet of aircraft,” says Preece. “We would like to thank the CAA for its continued support since December and especially throughout these difficult times of COVID-19. Without its commitment this would not have been possible.”

Bishop, accountable manager of the group, adds: “We would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and dedication during this transition period. We are proud to have been awarded an AOC, and look forward to working with the CAA in the future to ensure our commitment to safe operations.”

The Little Jet Group now has a fleet that includes four Citation Bravos and a new King Air 350i, and is planning to welcome new aircraft types to the AOC in the future.

“It is important to us that we continue to retain the same quality of service and attention to detail,” Preece continues. “We will not compromise on safety or standards, in line with our slogan ‘aviation without compromise'. This is an exciting time for The Little Jet Company."

Business development executive Martin Harrison adds: “Since early June we have noticed an increase in enquiries from the broker market and also local direct clients. We have been busy flying to many destinations including flights for business, and cargo and medical flights. There are positive signs that some confidence is increasing in travel again.

Operations manager Arran Watkins says the entire industry has been affected: “The business jet, general aviation and the airline industry worldwide has been impacted. Many thousands of staff have been furloughed or been given notice of redundancy, local Airports have been closed and left worryingly empty.

“Restrictions are starting to be lifted and the public are cautiously showing positive signs of taking holidays abroad. With the dialogue between countries discussing what restrictions are in place, and the possibility of air bridges that will allow foreign travel again, we are keen to increase the flow of travel to destinations from Gloucestershire airport.  

“With COVID-19 hopefully on the decrease, and the infection rate continuing on the downward curve, we are looking forward to business returning. Business jet companies, however large or small, play a significant part in returning the confidence back to all aspects of private aviation."

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