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TAG Farnborough pioneers carbon neutrality
LED lighting, electric vehicles, renewable energy investment and a fleet of bicycles are driving down CO2 emissions at TAG Farnborough, which is the first business aviation hub to be certified carbon neutral.
TAG Farnborough airport environment manager Miles Thomas, CEO Brandon O'Reilly, Rushmoor Borough council leader David Clifford, head of environmental strategy at ACI Europe Marina Bylinsky and members of the TAG Farnborough airport team.
Read this story in our July 2018 printed issue.

TAG Farnborough Airport has been awarded carbon neutral status by Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe). By mapping carbon emissions, reducing those under its direct control and investing in programmes to offset residual emissions, it has become the first business aviation airport in the world to receive this status.

Over the past decade, the airport has reduced carbon emissions over which it has direct control by 42 per cent (2,183 tonnes) and over the past five years it has invested more than £1 million into energy efficiency projects.

“We are committed to responsible and sustainable development through comprehensive management of our environmental impact,” says environment manager Miles Thomas. “While carbon neutrality is an important milestone in our carbon reduction efforts, our work in this field does not end here. We will continue to identify new and innovative ways to improve our sustainable credentials.”

Director general of ACI Europe Olivier Jankovec adds: “We firmly believe that every aspect of aviation needs to address its carbon footprint, and business aviation is no exception. As the first carbon neutral business aviation airport in the world, TAG Farnborough is a pioneer in this regard, having engaged in sustainability in order to reach its goal. We hope this will set a trend among other business aviation airports.”

Projects to achieve neutrality include the installation of LED lighting across the airport site, saving 15 per cent (13,902 kwh) of electricity in the first two months in the airport tower alone. This year TAG Farnborough committed to REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) energy supply which will see the airport reduce its footprint by a further 2,000 tonnes and support the renewable energy sector. A network of electric vehicles and 20 chargers are now in use and a Tesla Model S is being used to complement a fleet of ground handling trucks. Bicycles are also available to staff for travel between buildings.

The team now plans to replace the tungsten light fittings currently in use on the airfield’s ground lighting system with LED fittings.

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