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Avionord debuts trackable organ transport chamber
Italian air ambulance specialist and medical equipment manufacturer Avionord has designed an innovative container to transport human organs.
Read this story in our April 2017 printed issue.

Italian air ambulance specialist and medical equipment manufacturer Avionord has designed an innovative container to transport human organs. It has a transponder on the top of it, typically found in smartphones, that is able to provide updates on the condition and temperature of the organ during flight and on the ground. “We can now track the organ at every stage of its journey,” says technical director Marco Insogna. “The software is connected with the wi-fi on board and transmitted via satcom. People on the ground can see where it is and the condition it is in. You can monitor it in every phase of flight and we can link up with the hospital and report back to them. This system is especially useful during the night, when many of these operations take place.”