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RVL Aviation

Cessna F406 Caravan

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RVL adds F406 trio for freight and charter

UK-based survey, surveillance and charter operator RVL Group has added three turbine-powered Cessna F406 multi-purpose aircraft to its fleet. The additional aircraft are currently undergoing maintenance work and will be added to RVL's AOC in September.

The F406s can carry freight and passengers, are equipped with cargo baggage pods and have a payload of up to 1.5 tonnes. As well as using them on its existing long term contracts, the company will make them available to the ad hoc charter market.

Says commercial ops director David Connor: "We have many years of experience in operating this aircraft type. Adding a further three F406 aircraft gives us a quick, easy and cost-effective capacity increase, allowing us to make a compelling offer to current and potential customers."