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Certification extends MENA’s scope to Cayman and Bermuda aircraft
Bahrain-based MENA Aerospace Enterprises' aircraft operation division, MAE Aircraft Management, has achieved full compliance with the International Standards for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO).

Bahrain-based MENA Aerospace Enterprises' aircraft operation division, MAE Aircraft Management, has achieved full compliance with the International Standards for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO).

Issued by the International Business Aviation Council, the IS-BAO certification is confirmation that the company operates to a code of worldwide best practices designed to help flight departments and business jet operators achieve and maintain the highest levels of safety and quality.

"Meeting this world class standard of safety and quality is testament to the hard work and professionalism of the entire team" says Steve Wilks, general manager MAE Aircraft Management. "Our charter and aircraft management customers will benefit from the assurance of knowing our operations meet and exceed international best standards.

Captain Andreas Wieser, the company's director of flight operations, adds: "Prior to the IS-BAO certification, MAE Aircraft Management successfully implemented a Safety Management System as approved by Bahrain Civil Aviation Affairs, and is now targeting international safety and quality registration for the airline."

Ralph Eisenschmid, MENA Aerospace Group ceo, says: "In addition to the benefits of this accreditation, IS-BAO approval allows the company to operate and manage aircraft registered in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. Many aircraft based in the Middle East are registered in these jurisdictions."

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