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Bombardier Aviation



Press Release

Issued by Bombardier Aviation.

November 7, 2022

Bombardier's engaging 26th annual Safety Standdown conference returns to Wichita to explore how aviation industry is “Moving Safety Forward”

Bombardier's industry-leading Safety Standdown, one of the most comprehensive safety conferences in the aviation industry, will be back in full force November 8-10 in Wichita, Kansas, home to the Bombardier Defense as well as the company's U.S. headquarters. The 26th edition of the popular three-day conference will feature unique learning opportunities, dynamic workshops and cutting-edge presentations by leading experts and thought leaders. Online registration for the conference webcast is currently underway, and sessions are open to all aviation professionals regardless of the aircraft type they operate.

This year's theme, “Moving Safety Forward,” focuses on leadership in instilling a culture of safety and asks the question: Are aviation professionals doing enough to move the safety needle forward?

“Bombardier's Safety Standdown is known for bringing industry experts and thought leaders together for three days to tackle the latest topics and challenges in aviation safety. These leaders not only provide practical skills training but also inspire participants to create a climate where safety is the overriding driver behind every decision,” said Chris Milligan, vice president, pre-owned aircraft services and flight operations, Bombardier. “We expect that the knowledge and relationships participants develop at this year's seminar will help disseminate higher standards of safety and professionalism throughout the industry and around the world.”

Offered free of charge as part of Bombardier's contribution to the industry, the marquis event has grown in popularity, scope and influence since it was first conceived by a group of Learjet demonstration pilots who were determined to make the Bombardier flight demonstration team in Wichita the safest in the industry. This year, close to 400 aviation professionals are expected to attend some of the workshops and sessions, with more than 1,000 participants from some 25 countries routinely attending via webcast. Attendees span the industry spectrum from flight crews and maintenance technicians to flight dispatchers and schedulers and represent a wide range of corporate, commercial and military organisations.

Some of the popular speakers at this year's event include conference favourite, Tony Kern, founding partner and CEO of Convergent Performance; Amy Grubb Ph. D, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Ryan Retelle from the Advanced Aircrew Academy and many more.

In an effort to make Safety Standdown's key content more widely available, Bombardier established an online global human factors knowledge centre in 2010. The Safety Standdown website offers a trove of online resources, including the Safety Talks series, that have been used successfully by aviation professionals in a multitude of settings, from universities to flight schools to small department meetings across the globe.