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VistaJet celebrates Mid-Autumn with tea and cake pairings
Available from now throughout September 2021 for those departing from key Asian cities, Moonlight Infusions showcases highlights from VistaJet's tea collection. Clients will appreciate the teas with premium mooncakes.
The mooncakes are dense and rich.

To celebrate the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and the joy of family reunions, VistaJet has introduced Moonlight Infusions. For a limited time, clients are invited to celebrate the festival on board with a bespoke tea and mooncake pairing session, as well as a personalised Tea Flight Experience while basking in the beauty of the moon.

Available from now throughout September 2021 for those departing from key Asian cities, Moonlight Infusions showcases highlights from VistaJet's tea collection, including Red Dragon tea, Dragon Well, Iron Buddha, Vintage Imperial Puerh, decaffeinated Blackcurrant & Hibiscus, and Whole Leaf Peppermint.

Clients will appreciate the teas with thoughtfully paired premium mooncakes. For example, Red Dragon is a unique black tea with a fruity flavour and creamy note of chocolate, making a perfect combination when paired with a dense, rich red bean mooncake.

The bespoke Tea Flight Experience is also available upon request to VistaJet clients both on board and on the ground, guided virtually by tea masters who will take clients on an immersive journey through the world of tea and bring to life their signature varieties.

Executive VP of marketing and innovation Matteo Atti says: “The Mid-Autumn Festival is about spending quality time with family, be it in the air or on the ground. Admiring the full moon at 45,000 ft in VistaJet's safe and private cabin, with the right tea carefully paired with your favourite mooncake flavours adds the magic touch during this special occasion. Whether you are looking for a notable experience in the air or simply looking for the safest way to reunite with family, VistaJet is here to help anytime, anywhere and create one of the most unforgettable memories for you at this special time of the year.”

VistaJet also offers its clients the opportunity to embark on tea plantation journeys around the world, curated by Based on a True Story, enabling guests to connect with the origins, the people and culture behind the teas.

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