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Pilatus and Piper dealer Skytech reports robust sales
Navigating the pandemic isn’t an easy task, and it’s far from over. Skytech, like many, is about taking care of people first – employees and customers alike. Fortunately it's also been able to home several aircraft.

Skytech's flight activity has recovered for the most part and exceeded pre-pandemic numbers in many categories, according to company president Justin Lazzeri. Sales of both new and pre-owned aircraft are extremely robust. The company is a dealer for both Pilatus (PC-24/PC-12 NGX) and Piper.

“Our fleet consists of a Pilatus PC-24, several Pilatus PC-12s, and now a Piper M600 SLS. The PC-12 is our workhorse," Lazzeri notes. There are a lot of new users of private aircraft emboldened by the pandemic to pursue a more secure method of transportation. These new users have become repeat users."

Taking care of employees has been his chief concern: “Navigating the pandemic isn’t an easy task, and it’s far from over. Our business, like most, is about taking care of people first – employees and customers alike. Each day that may look slightly different based on the situation, but it has always been our guiding principle.

“We look to continue serving our long-term customer base while adding new users/believers of General Aviation. The M600 SLS gives us a fantastic avenue to expose more people to the world of private aviation by offering a highly capable aircraft equipped with the most modern technology at a price point that opens possibilities to greater masses."

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