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SD and Inmarsat team up to offer connectivity worldwide
SD was the first communications provider to provision its services and transmit data over Inmarsat's first two Global Xpress satellites, and has been a reseller of the Global Xpress HTS constellation since launch in 2015.

Satcom Direct (SD) has activated 500 terminals for aerospace customers subscribing to Inmarsat's high throughput satellite (HTS) Global Xpress network through the Jet ConneX service. This achievement positions SD as a leading service provider of Inmarsat's ultra-high speed data service to private and government aviation users worldwide.

With the 500th activation, SD is managing service delivery to a combination of global business, government and military aircraft, all of which are optimising the reliable and powerful high-speed broadband to stay connected. Jet ConneX is supported by the SD router family, which augments in-flight connectivity efficiency, delivers a portfolio of customisable SD applications and supports cybersecurity management. As SD continues to enhance its portfolio of hardware, software and infrastructure solutions, this latest accomplishment enriches the support and solutions experience available to customers around the globe.

“The activation of 500 Jet ConneX terminals using Inmarsat's GX constellation demonstrates that connectivity has become an essential part of aviation today,” says Chris Moore, SD's president of business aviation. “In addition to delivering powerful communications to improve inflight productivity, the collection, aggregation and analysis of data generated by the aircraft improves flight operations, enhances efficiency and improves financial management. As Inmarsat continues to bolster its outstanding Global Xpress constellation, SD continues to develop services enabling optimisation of the data capability. It's a powerful combination for a data-hungry aerospace sector.”

SD was the first business aviation communications provider to provision its services and transmit data over Inmarsat's first two Global Xpress satellites, and has been a value-added reseller of the Global Xpress HTS constellation since launch in 2015. The latest activation further strengthens SD's relationship with Inmarsat and maintains its position as the satellite company's largest aeronautical service provider.

Satcom Direct has collaborated with Inmarsat for more than 20 years and we recognise that this 500th Jet ConneX activation confirms it yet again as one of our most valued partners. SD continues to provide visionary services to its customers, and Inmarsat is just as committed to supporting the customer experience. We can only continue to do that by closely collaborating with our partners to keep delivering exciting new global connectivity services to the aerospace market,” concludes Kai Tang, senior VP of business and general aviation at Inmarsat.

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