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StandardAero takes the ETS initiative
StandardAero's Engine Trading Solutions include aircraft engine sales, lease, exchange and consignment options for major engine models with consignment services also including buy, sell and lease options.

StandardAero is launching a new business unit to support business aviation operators with comprehensive Engine Trading Solutions (ETS). It includes multiple affordable options to help extend lifecycles for legacy aircraft. Due to high market interest in these services, StandardAero is offering OEM-aligned engine trading solutions on platforms for which the company already performs MRO services, as well as for other major engine platforms.

The new ETS offerings include aircraft engine sales, lease, exchange and consignment options for major engine models with consignment services also including buy, sell and lease options for third parties, for all engine applications. In addition, the company's trading solutions include OEM engine parts, accessories and used serviceable materials.

“We are listening to the marketplace and we look forward to more efficiently serving the unmet needs of today's business aviation operators,” says Marc Drobny, president of StandardAero's business aviation division. “StandardAero is taking the lead in this space to help our customers maximise and control aircraft cost of ownership.”

StandardAero's Engine Trading Solutions are managed at the company's Scottsdale, Arizona headquarters.

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