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Second G600 test vehicle takes to the sky
Gulfstream's second G600 has completed its first flight, spending four hours and 26 minutes in the air.
Read this story in our March 2017 printed issue.

Gulfstream's second G600 has completed its first flight, spending four hours and 26 minutes in the air. “The addition of a second flight test aircraft just 10 weeks after the first demonstrates the rigour and discipline inherent in our development programmes; this will steadily move the G600 towards certification and entry into service,” says president Mark Burns. “Each milestone we clear validates the significant investments we've made in research and development, our ground labs and our flight test capabilities.”

The first G600 made its maiden flight on 17 December 2016 and already has more than 150 flight hours to its name, amounting to 22 consecutive sorties without a maintenance discrepancy. That aircraft is conducting flutter testing and expanding the flight envelope, while the second G600 will soon begin flight loads testing. Gulfstream has also completed ultimate load testing of the G600 structural test article. The OEM anticipates FAA type certification in 2018 and customer deliveries are scheduled for the same year.

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