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Record profits for Centreline as it courts merger opportunities
Bristol, UK-based Centreline Air Charter is reporting its busiest ever 12-month period. From January 2014 to January 2015 it was more profitable than ever, with a year on year increase of close to 100 per cent.
Read this story in our March 2015 printed issue.

Bristol, UK-based Centreline Air Charter is reporting its busiest ever 12-month period. From January 2014 to January 2015 it was more profitable than ever, with a year on year increase of close to 100 per cent.

The company, a subsidiary of business aviation group Bristol Flying Centre, has grown by 40 per cent over the past six years and has extended its fleet to become a core UK operator of Citation aircraft. It is now seeking to diversify its operation by managing different aircraft types and is reviewing ways to grow its business further, which it says could mean creating alliances or merging with other companies.

Director Phil Brockwell says: “We have succeeded in managing our fleet effectively and have achieved almost maximum efficiency in our aircraft utilisation through early adoption of the latest technology, which has enabled us to offer value to both owners and charter clients. There has also been a decrease in the 'light aircraft' fleet size in the UK which has added to the demand for our product.

“To take our business to the next level we have targeted the manage-ment of larger aircraft types and this is looking extremely positive. The board of Bristol Flying Centre and Centreline Air Charter recognises that one of the directions in which to take the business, to achieve the kind of growth we foresee, may be to create partnerships with companies that fit well with our current structure and operation.”