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MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
MEBAA (Middle East & North Africa Business Aviation Association)
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Type Rating Training Provider
Ulan Ude Aviation Plant Training Centre   (Russia)

Type ratings offered
Mil Mi-17 Hip-H
Mil Mi-8 Hip

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News from Business Air News
SkyOne pilots take up Mi-171A2 training
January 4, 2022
A group of pilots from India are to start training on the Mi-171A2 helicopter in Russia. At the end of the course they will have covered both the theory and operating procedures for non-standard and emergency situations.
Delhi students delve into the workings of the Mi-172
March 19, 2021
A recent Mi-172 training programme for Indian pilots focused on operating procedures in non-standard and emergency situations, as well as for manoeuvring the helicopter out from a difficult spatial position.
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