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Press Release

Issued by Embraer.

November 15, 2010

FlyEmbraer web portal: new and improved for executive jets

Embraer has improved its FlyEmbraer web portal (, an online dedicated tool for the after-market community that provides support and services to executive jet customers.

Significant improvements have been made in navigation and look and feel, making the user interaction friendlier, simpler and intuitive. The new version allows adding to Favorites with a single click and eliminates unnecessary web page navigation headers. Another important modification has to do with the Legacy 600 and Lineage 1000 Technical Publications, bringing an improved navigation structure (with contents displayed in folders) and allowing quick access to relevant information. This is the latest step in the Company's ongoing effort to distribute information online in a streamlined and efficient manner.

"The new and improved FlyEmbraer site is available to all owners, operators and service centers, and represents an important milestone for Embraer," states Edson Carlos Mallaco, Embraer Vice President, Customer Support and Services – Executive Jets. "In our commitment to meet and exceed customer expectations, this new, improved portal will offer a better interfacing experience with Embraer."

All the necessary information and tools regarding aircraft operation and updated materials can be found in FlyEmbraer: Technical Publications, Flight Operational Issues, Maintenance, Parts Ordering, Aircraft Coverage (for Warranty and EEC), and Service Solutions. Users will also appreciate current News and Upcoming Events – all about the Company's Operators Conferences and Air Shows, the Customer Forum, and The Embraer Advantage newsletter.

"Access to operational and maintenance information is easier and better," says Edison Loredo, Maintenance Aircraft Manager from Vale, a Brazilian mining company. "We are very satisfied with the improvements in the portal. FlyEmbraer is a great tool, and is fundamental for our day-to-day activities."

At the click of a mouse, customers have more information available to them and can learn about the wide range of service solutions, such as Embraer Executive Care (EEC), Flight Operations Software, Embraer Maintenance Tracking Program System (EMTPS), Embraer Parts Exchange Program (EPEP), and others.

For more information, contact the FlyEmbraer Support team at, or by telephone: +55 (12) 3927-2337. The toll free number for the U.S. and Canada is +1 (866) 270-AERO. A complete list of the customer support communication channels is also available: Service Center Network, Contact Center, and Customer Support Management.