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Universal Aviation Spain   (FBO)

Company data
  • Ops Hours:   0645 - 2300 LT
  • SITA:  
  • Co. Frequency:  
  • IS-BAH status:   None
Airport location

Also at 8 other locations:   Madrid (Barajas)AlmeriaMalagaGironaSevilleGranadaBarcelonaMenorca (Mahon) 

News from Business Air News
UA acquires Andalucia in time for busy summer season
April 3, 2023
In 2019, Universal Aviation Spain acquired a minority stake in Andalucia Aviation and a majority stake in 2021. Over that period, Universal Aviation Spain has been working to elevate services. It now owns the handler in full.
Universal Aviation expands presence in Spain
January 31, 2022
Many locations in the south of Spain are enjoying a renaissance after the pandemic, and Universal Aviation expects this to increase as restrictions ease over coming months. A partnership with Andalucia seems timely.
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