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265 records found: Canada

Company Locations
49 North Helicopter Campbell River
Aberdeen Helicopters Prince George
ACASS Canada Montreal, Shannon
Access Helicopters 6 locations
Adlair Aviation (1983) Cambridge Bay, Hay River, Yellowknife
Adventure Air Lac Du Bonnet
Ahlstrom Air Drumheller, Nordegg, Alberta, Rocky Mountain House
Air Borealis Goose Bay, Halifax, Lourdes-De-Blanc-Sablon, St John's
Air Bravo Corporation Barrie-Orillia, Elliot Lake, Thunder Bay
Air Canada Jetz Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver
Air Creebec Montreal, Timmins, Val-d'Or
Air Inuit Montreal, Quebec
Air North Whitehorse
Air Nunavut Iqaluit, Oshawa, Toronto
Air Partners Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver
Air Tindi Yellowknife
Air-JPL Montreal
Airborne Energy Solutions Whitecourt
Airco Aircraft Charters Edmonton
Airspan Helicopters Sechelt
Aklak Air Calgary, Inuvik
Alberta Central Airways Athabasca, Grande Prairie, Hamilton, Lac La Biche
Alkan Air Mayo, Nanaimo, Whitehorse
Alpine Helicopters Calgary, Golden, High Level, Kelowna, Peace River
Alpine Lakes Air Smithers, Tyhee Lake (Smithers)
Amik Aviation Little Grand Rapids, Poplar River, Winnipeg
Anderson Air Vancouver
Arduini Helicopters Williams Lake
Arrow Helicopters Revelstoke
Arrowhead Helicopters La Ronge
Ascent Helicopters Parksville
Atlantic Charters Grand Manan
Atleo River Air Service Tofino
Attitude-Hélicoptère Neuville
Aurora Jet Partners Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver
Axair Aviation Port Hawkesbury, St-Hyacinthe
Bailey Helicopters Calgary, Edmonton, Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Prince George
Bamaji Air Sioux Lookout
Bearskin Airlines Kitchener, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Timmins, Winnipeg
Bighorn Helicopters Cranbrook
Black Tusk Helicopter Squamish
Blackcomb Helicopters 6 locations
Blue Water Aviation Silver Falls
Breton Air Halifax, Sydney
Buffalo Airways Edmonton, Hay River, Yellowknife
Calm Air 14 locations
Cameron Air Service Toronto
Campbell Helicopters Abbotsford
Can-Oz Heli Services Calgary
Can-West Corporate Air Charters Edmonton, Fort Vermilion, High Level, Slave Lake
Canadian Flight Centre Kamloops, Vancouver
Canadian Helicopters Halifax
Canadian North Calgary, Edmonton, Iqaluit, Ottawa, Yellowknife
Capital Helicopters (1995) Airdrie, Whitehorse
Cargojet Airways Hamilton, Toronto
Carson Air Kelowna, Vancouver
Central Mountain Air 15 locations
Chartright Air Group 9 locations
Chrono Aviation Montreal, Quebec
Cjet Aviation Trois Rivières
Coldstream Helicopters Calgary, Invermere, Kelowna
Conair Abbotsford
Contour Helicopters Fort Langley, Langley
Cougar Helicopters Halifax, St John's
Coulson Group Port Alberni
Coywolf Aviation Battle Creek, Brampton, Goose Bay, St John's
Custom Helicopters 7 locations
D.B. Air Burlington
Dam Helicopters Castlegar
Delta Helicopters 8 locations
Discovery Helicopters Atlin
Eagle Air Enterprises Winnipeg
East West Helicopters Salmon Arm
Eclipse Helicopters Cranbrook, Penticton
Enterprise Aviation Group Oshawa
EVAS Air Charters Gander, Goose Bay
Exact Air Chicoutimi
Execaire 8 locations
Expedition Helicopters Cochrane, Moosonee
Expressair Ottawa
Far West Helicopters Chilliwack
Fast Air Abbotsford, Calgary, Toronto, Winnipeg
Fig Air Nassau, Toronto
Finnair Penticton
Fireweed Helicopters Dawson Creek, Mayo, Whitehorse, Winnipeg
Flair Airlines Abbotsford, Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton
Flightpath Charter Airways 7 locations
FLYGTA Kingston, Montreal, Muskoka, Toronto
FlyXcite Brantford, London, Toronto
Forest Helicopters Dryden, Grande Prairie, Kenora, Pickle Lake
Four Seasons Aviation Brampton
Fox Flight Toronto
Foxair Heliservice-Helico Pro St-Mathieu-De-Beloeil
G.D.G. Aviation Trois Rivières
Geotech Aviation Sudbury
Glacier Helicopters Revelstoke
Good Spirit Air Service Flin Flon, Hamilton, Saskatoon, Yorkton
Graham Air Kelowna
Great Lakes Helicopter Corporation Kitchener
Great River Air Dawson City, Whitehorse
Great Slave Helicopters 7 locations
Grizzly Helicopters Campbell River, Port McNeill
Grondin Transport St-Frédéric
Guardian Helicopters Calgary
Harbour Air Seaplanes 7 locations
Hearst Air Service Carey Lake, Hearst
Heli Explore Sudbury
Heli Express 6 locations
Heli Source Red Deer
Heli-Boreal Sept-Iles
Heli-Inter Montreal, Schefferville, Sept-Iles
Heli-Lift International La Ronge, Prince Albert, Swan River, Yorkton
Heli-Mistral Lachute
Helicopter Transport Services La Ronge, Moosonee, Ottawa, Toronto, Trois Rivières
Helicopteres Helicarrier Quebec
Helicopteres Transit Val-d'Or
Helicopters Canada North Bay
Helicraft Montréal
Helijet International Nanaimo, Prince Rupert, Sandspit, Vancouver
Heliops Alberta 6 locations
Helipsair Montreal
Heliqwest Aviation Sturgeon Bay
Helite Aviation Bromont
High Terrain Helicopters Nelson
Horizon Helicopter Services Haines Junction, Whitehorse
Hy-Ridge Helicopters Sparwood
Innukoptères Sept-Iles
Interior Helicopters Fort St. James, Williams Lake
Iskwew Air Qualicum Beach, Vancouver
J.B. Air The Pas
Jazz Aviation Charters 7 locations
Jet Share Aviation Toronto
Jetport Hamilton
Keewatin Air & Nunavut Lifeline Churchill, Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet, Winnipeg
Kenn Borek Air Calgary, Inuvik, Iqaluit, Resolute Bay
Kestrel Helicopters Qualicum Beach
Kluane Helicopters De Winton, Haines Junction
Kootenay Valley Helicopters Nelson, Oliver
Kreos Aviation Regina, Saskatoon
Kudlik Aviation Quebec
L R Helicopters Calgary
Lake Central Airways Toronto
Landa Aviation Hay River
Latitude Air Ambulance Hamilton
Leuenberger Air Service Nakina
Librico Helicopters Chilliwack
London Air Services Vancouver
MAG Aerospace Canada Corp. Dryden, Kenora
Maritime Air Charter Halifax
Max Aviation Montreal, Sept-Iles
McMurray Aviation Fort McMurray
Missinippi Airways The Pas
Montmagny Air Service Montmagny
Mustang Helicopters 15 locations
Nakina Air Service Nakina
National Helicopters 7 locations
Nautilus Air Vancouver
Newfoundland Helicopters Clarenville, Deer Lake, Strathmore
Niagara Helicopters Niagara Falls Heliport CPQ3
Nolinor Aviation Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Yellowknife
North Cariboo Air Calgary, Edmonton, Fort St. John
North Star Air Pickle Lake, Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, Thunder Bay
North-Wright Airways Norman Wells
Northern Air Charter Abbotsford, Calgary, Edmonton, Peace River
Northern Rockies Adventures Muncho Lake, Vancouver
Northern Thunderbird Air Prince George, Vancouver
Northway Aviation Winnipeg
Northwestern Air 7 locations
NovaJet Aviation Group 13 locations
Nunavik Rotors Kuujjuaq
Oceanview Helicopters Powell River
Okanagan Mountain Helicopters Kelowna
Ookpik Aviation Baker Lake
Osprey Wings La Ronge
Pacific Coastal Airlines Port Hardy, Vancouver
PAL Airlines Halifax, Montreal, St John's
Panorama Aviation Alma, Iqaluit, Montreal, Oshawa, Quebec
Panorama Helicopters Alma, Grand Prairie, Iqaluit, Vernon
Pascan Aviation Montreal
Passport Helico Joliette, Lachute, Montreal
Peak Aviation Saguenay
Perimeter Aviation Winnipeg
Phoenix Heli-Flight Fort McMurray
Pivot Airlines Montreal, Quebec
Porter Airlines Toronto
Prairie Helicopters Churchill, Gimli, The Pas, Thompson
President Air Charter Peterborough
Presidential Air Barrie-Orillia
Private Air 7 locations
Propair Montreal, Rouyn-Noranda, Val-d'Or
Prospectair Ottawa
Provincial Helicopters Dryden, Lac Du Bonnet
Quantum Helicopters Bob Quinn Lake, Terrace
Queen Victoria Air Hamilton
Qwest Helicopters Fort Nelson, Fort St. John
Range Helicopters Drayton Valley, Edson
Rangeland Helicopters Medicine Hat
Remote Helicopters Hay River, High Prairie, Red Earth Creek, Slave Lake, Wabasca
Ridge Rotors Chetwynd, Tumbler Ridge, Whitecourt
RiseAir La Ronge, Lynn Lake, Prince Albert, Saskatoon
River Air Kenora, Minaki
Rusty Myers Flying Service (1986) Fort Frances
Sarvair Aviation 108 Mile
Seair Seaplanes Nanaimo, Vancouver, Vancouver Harbour
Select Aero Van Nuys, Vancouver
Selkirk Mountain Helicopter Revelstoke
Sequoia Helicopters Abbotsford, Lac La Biche, Red Earth Creek, Slave Lake, Whitecourt
Sierra Helicopters Vancouver
Silver King Helicopters Smithers
Sky Helicopters Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley, Vancouver
SkyCare Charters & Air Ambulance Kitchener, Sioux Lookout, Winnipeg
SkyJet Aviation Quebec, Sept-Iles, Vancouver
Skyline Helicopters Kelowna, Terrace
SkyLink Express Hamilton, Quebec, Vancouver, Winnipeg
SkyNorth Air Winnipeg
Skyservice Business Aviation 8 locations
Slate Falls Airways Sioux Lookout
Slave Lake Helicopters Slave Lake
Sloan Helicopters Slave Lake, Wabasca
South Nahanni Airways Fort Simpson
Star Helicopters Cold Lake, Lac La Biche
Starlink Aviation Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec
Summit Air Calgary, Edmonton, Terrace, Thunder Bay, Yellowknife
Summit Helicopters Kamloops
Sunwest Aviation Calgary, Winnipeg
Super T Aviation Medicine Hat
Superior Airways Red Lake
Switchback Helicopters Calgary
Taiga Air Services Winnipeg
Taiga Helicopters Whitecourt
Talon Helicopters Vancouver
Thunder Airlines Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Timmins
Tintina Air Atlin, Dawson City, Whitehorse
Trade North Aviation Winnipeg
Trans Capital Air Owen Sound
TRK Helicopters Haines Junction, Lac La Biche, Langley, Merritt, Whitehorse
True North Airways Sudbury
Tsayta Aviation Smithers
Tundra Helicopters Dease Lake, Watson Lake
Univair Aviation Montreal
Upper Valley Aviation 6 locations
Valhalla Helicopters Kelowna
Valley B Aviation Manning
Valley Helicopters Hope, Kamloops, Merritt
Vancouver Island Air Campbell River
VIH Execujet Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria
VIH Helicopters Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria
Villers Air Services Fort Nelson
Vision Air Services Halifax
Vortex Helicopters Fort McMurray
Voyageur Airways North Bay, Toronto
Wasaya Airways Eldorado, Pickle Lake, Red Lake, Sioux Lookout
Watson's Skyways Wawa
Wendake Helicoptere Neuville
West Coast Helicopters Bella Coola, Campbell River, Nanaimo, Port McNeill
Westair Aviation Kamloops
Westland Helicopters Burns Lake
White Saddle Air Services Bluff Lake
Wildcat Helicopters Calgary, Kelowna, Nadi, Suva, Vancouver
Wilderness Helicopters Chapleau, Marathon, Sudbury, Timmins, Wawa
Wings Over Kississing Churchill, Flin Flon, Lynn Lake, Thompson, Winnipeg
Wisk-Air 6 locations
Yellowhead Helicopters Prince George
ZAM by Wilderness North Air Miminiska, Nakina, Thunder Bay
Zimmer Air Services St Thomas, Thunder Bay

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Companies specialising in the sale of ad hoc business aviation flights on behalf of specific commercial operators, and charter operator alliances dedicated to charter sales. More detailed listings of the charter operators that they represent can be found by returning to the section home page and using the above search engine.
Membership airlines and providers of jet cards and block charter programmes.
Providers of mobile apps and websites dedicated to the sale and purchase of on-demand charter flights.